How to register your business with ICCAT ?

Please check this page.
Why need to register ?
The reason is that an eBCD is required when trading bluefin tuna.
Exporter (Seller) / Importer (Buyer)
Also need a transport company to handle the transportation.
Trading without an eBCD is illegal.
WHAT you need to do ?
1, Please download the Excel file provided by ICCAT.
2, Enter company details and representative details in the Excel file.
3, Send email to ICCAT.
Download Excel file
Please visit this page.
1, Select “Bluefin tuna” category.
2, Click “” in the “M:BFT33 BFT1033” list and download it.
email address
Send an email to the importer/exporter to inform them that you would like to register.
AFTER process
ICCAT will respond and ask you to contact your respective governments.